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Grayson Davis

Good post. I think the whole piracy issue is quite a bit more nuanced than people generally think.

Ron Gollehon

Very good post...I especially like your thought process about owning "keywords"...Simon is an EXPERT at this :)

Dan Thornton

Nice post - great to see all the reasons put into a really cohesive argument for utilising the passion that people have for a great game - whether pirates, second-hand buyers etc. In terms of sales success, the fact that CoD:MW2 and CoD:Black Ops have both broken sales records is partly down to the evolution since Modern Warfare and World at War. Black Ops also happens to be the most pirated game of the last year, and I'd hazard a guess it's not coincidental...

'The Conversation Gap' is a great term - standing alongside the quote Cory Doctorow often uses in reference to book publishing, piracy and sharing free electronic versions of all his books: 'The artist's enemy is obscurity, not piracy'.

I think the big problem is the fear of change - people see some indie developers embracing a new way of doing things, or Cory Doctorow doing it in publishing, and the temptation is to see them as a one-off that stands outside the norm... But the norm has changed a hell of a lot...


To say that google has no tangible value is an incredibly ignorant statement. Google owns servers that contain extremely valuable data based on user behavior. That data is a tangible asset the same as the cash in the vault of a bank, or any other asset you'd choose to compare. Google is NOT leveraging a relationship to generate value, it is leveraging data that it collects. The tangible asset IS the value. Although a big chunk of your reasoning is off, parts of your argument may be correct.

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