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Brandon Davis

Interesting and provocative as usual Tadhg!

From my gaming perspective, your dichotomy becomes a matrix that involves, at the very least, sex, age, aptitude, hemisphericity, verbal vs. spatial, and a few personality variables.

To paraphrase one of your quotes, '...we're all Muggles, or Magicals, depending on what we have chosen to attend to...'.


In your worldview, would it be possible to create a game with distinct layers? i.e. a game where the 'magicals' leverage 'muggles' playing an entirely different game as pieces or aspects of their strategy.

Maybe civilization where the cities being fought over are facebook cityville type things.


While theoretically possible, I think that such a game would actually be a pragmatic nightmare to make.

An interesting idea though.


In reply to granite26/Tadhg:

Something similar is CCP doing right now with EVE Online / Dust 514. Not exactly Muggles vs Magicals, BUT one the one hand side you have the hardest excel game in the world (EVE) and on the other side a fast paced first person shooter for consoleros. All in the same universe, interconnected.


I have to strongly disagree with several key points of this article. 1. A product can appeal to Muggles and Magicals at the same time. Ironically, Harry Potter is a perfect example of this. "Muggle" kids who otherwise hate reading love it (I know a few personally.) And yet, professional writers love it (I know one of these as well). 2. Muggles convert to magicals all the time. I used to work with someone who didn't know, or care, about healthy eating. They wanted satisfaction. But after eating at better restaurants and learning about nutrition, she's now quite knowledgeable. 3. It incorrect to say that people don't exist in the middle. For example, I am certainly not a "car nut." I don't know what engine is in a 1962 Mustang (or if such a thing even exists). But I do know the various recent models, am interested in the styling and handling characteristics of various designs, and enjoy watching models evolve over time.

This article, in my opinion, is counterproductive, and designed to appeal to the frustrations of game developers who are quite rightly baffled by an ever-changing marketplace. But proposing a rigid and disrespectful segregation of the entire gaming audience is the wrong approach to untangling the market.

-Jacob Stevens

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