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Joe Cooper

About video connectors.

A lot of TVs have RCA jacks on the front.

I've seen gizmos exactly as you describe; one product was a joystick or something (can't quite remember) but the cable comes out and goes directly to the TV.

It was a little more timid than a guitar controller, I think it was a joystick with some options of games. Completely unnoticeable (and we all know being invisible makes business MUCH less risky!) but there it was.

This was in the states somewhere.


Everyone has a TV and a remote, (I'm sure there are TVs already doing this) why not a PS3 built into the TV and use the remote as a controller. Or bluetooth to smartphone as a controller, or built in Kinect on my TV, etc.

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Great post as usual but simply put, the browser is the platform. Build your business accordingly or face diminishing market share.

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btw, you need a twitter share button

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