(This may seem off topic compared to this blog’s usual focus, but it’s relevant as a discussion of user interfaces, as well as one of next year’s bigger trends that will affect the games industry.)
Metro, to hear the folks from Redmond tell it, is the future. It’s in phones. It’s in the Xbox 360. Pretty soon it will be in PCs and tablets too. It’s a new marketing story about a new paradigm for a new decade.
But (for me at least) something is wrong: Metro leaves me oddly cold. I dislike the metaphor of tiles, and the way that it seems overly concerned with guiding people to content. It looks pretty and yet fiddly. It’s over-reliant on user memory and arcane actions. Its implementation on the Xbox 360 is downright bad.
More than that, it’s telling a different platform story to the one that Microsoft thinks it is, a story of a dumb PC and a more restricted future. At a fundamental level, that bothers me.