If you are attending the upcoming Game Developer's Conference, make sure to say hi. I'll be there for the full week (and briefly at Game Connection too) taking some meetings, attending some events and such. Email me if you want to set something up.
I'm also giving a talk. After two years of cajoling Richard Lemarchand, he's given me a slot at the fabled GDC Microtalks session. A microtalk is a specialised format in which each speaker has 5m20s and 20 slides to present an idea. The slides advance once every 16 seconds. So you have to be concise and pointed, with no room for error. The talk can be on anything. In the spirit of saving the surprise I won't spoil it here, but regular readers of What Games Are might have some inkling. The session will be on Friday March 21st at 10:00am in room 135 of the North Hall.
Finally this year I'll be doing the dev-rel thing at the OUYA booth. We're there in force to show new games coming to the platform, talk to developers and announce a few under-the-hood developments that we hope you'll like. So I'll be spending large portions of my time in the Expo and surrounding area, which is a first for me (at conferences I'm usually a talks junkie). So if you do fancy dropping by I'll be there or thereabouts.