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Joseph Cooper

This has me thinking a lot.

What do you think about putting two roles against each other?

One of the game ideas I had that we wound up not electing for a project had one player driving a "getaway car" and another player with an RTS-ish view commanding squad cars to direct and trap the escaping bank robber. Traffic becomes an issue as a car wreck with a bystander causes both players to lose (or something).

Each player has a clear, focused and specific role but each is, in a sense, playing a different game.


Hi Joseph,

In a word: Complicated.

The risk with multi-role games is that usually one of the roles ends up having much more to do than the other, which means one of them is intrinsically more boring. It takes a lot of effort to ensure that each is in effect a full game, and that if no other player is available that the single player version of the game has AI competent enough to handle the second role.

Thanks for the comment!

Lubomír Šálek

I think the exception to the "too complicated" rule might be the Left 4 Dead's Versus mode. Otherwise, I agree.

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